"Extreme" \ik-ˈstrēm\ adjective: exceeding the ordinary, usual, or expected "Christian" \ˈkris-chən adjective: of or relating to Christianity

Friday, December 19, 2014

"Tis the Season of Grieving"

With the holiday season here upon us, amongst all the celebrating and warm wishes, we must remember that not everyone is filled with holiday cheer and are having a holly jolly good time. By this I don’t mean that we have a Scrooge on our hands, who instead of wishing everyone a happy holiday is going around shouting bah humbug while wearing an unpleasant scowl across their face but rather people who are hurting inside and can’t bring themselves to open up about it out of fear of ridicule and/or judgment by their peers.

This world makes people feel bad about expressing their feelings, that something is wrong with them if they are not of the same mindset as the masses and that unfortunately is the reason why most avoid being transparent. Because of this they keep their true identify hidden and I don’t mean one of superpowers and superior crime fighting abilities but more so one of overwhelming sorrow and soul shattering pain, their own personal mental war.

No matter who is around them and/or what gift they unwrap the anguish that burns inside of them will not simmer, if anything it burns hotter and more out of control during this time of year. For most it is hard to believe that during times of such happiness that someone could be suffering so, but this is reality and a truly dangerous one at that. They are a ticking time bomb waiting to go off and without someone to cut the correct wire they will someday explode, leaving nothing more than a memory and a trail of broken hearts and tortured souls with so many unanswered questions and regrets.

So act now, show the people in your life how much they mean to you while they are still here to appreciate it; don’t wait until they are six feet under and you are left talking to a tombstone. Be aware of the body language, pay attention to the subtle clues and most importantly don't be afraid to get involved and if necessary help them find professional help. Sometimes a shoulder to lean on and an open ear could do wonders for someone’s mental state, it could be the best gift they received all year and in some cases even a lifesaving one.

Also these individuals can be anyone from anonymous stranger, someone you may see on a regular basis but not give much thought to, or even a friend or family member, you just never know. This problem is not exclusive to one group or another, so don’t believe that this couldn’t happen to you or your friends/family because doing so would be completely foolish and possibly have devastating consequences.

While you're thinking of what you want for Christmas there are others who are fighting with thoughts of suicide. Look after each other this holiday season and don't risk getting the gift you always wanted but losing the person you forever loved. This holiday season encourage your loved ones to have anything but a "silent night", encourage them to share their feelings and to let you know if there are any problems they are experiencing emotionally, mentally and/or physically. Don't just go through the motions, truly love.

Our brothers and sisters are hurting and as we worry about what gifts to buy each other and who’s bringing what to the family dinner they are searching for a reason to continue on. We don't need to be visited by three spirits to know something has to change, be like the Grinch and let your heart grow three sizes this holiday season, trust me the world will be a better place because of it.